Tuesday, November 3, 2015

SHARE THE ROADS WITH THE SNAKES and any other wildlife!

So now if you are concerned enough to change your life style to help some snakes, here’s a list of actions you can do in your daily lives to save these cute snakes!

Citizen’s job
  1. Reduce pollution & Avoid disturbing wildlife
  • Air, water, light and noise pollution
  • Reduce fertilizer runoffs
  • Reduce engine emissions
  • Wildlives are generally sensitive to human disturbance
  1. Reduce wildlife vehicle collisions
  • Watch for wildlife crossing warning signs and obey speed limit
  1. Don’t litter
  • Animals could be attracted to food or food wrappers thrown out of car windows
  1. Extra caution should be taken in common collision areas during high risk hours/seasons
  2. Show compassion for road-injured animals
  • Contact local wildlife services for assistance
  • Notify traffic until help arrives to prevent injured animals from being hit again
6. Report poaching of snakes and any other animals

Reduce vehicle collision
  1. Watch
  • Watch for animals crossing the highways
  • Slow down and pass carefully (especially in areas where wildlife crossing signs are posted)
  1. Steer
  • Watch you speed - giving yourself enough space and time to respond appropriately to wildlife crossing
  1. Brake
  • Brake firmly and safely if you spot any animal standing or crossing
  1. Stop
  • Stop completely if safe to do so
  • Move slow moving wildlife off the road when it is safe to do so. Make sure the animal is moved to the direction that it is heading to.

Minimize road effects
  • Detailed assessment of wildlife effects before roadway expansion planning
  • Build fewer unnecessary roads
  • Exclusion Fencing to facilitate the use of ecopassages and reduce mortality rates (Dodd et al. 2004).
    • Install underpasses (e.g. culvert) allow wildlife movement under a road
  • Selected road closure during peak seasons to allow safe passage
  • Underpassess construction: Culverts, Box culvert programs

Put up wildlife crossing signs
  • Pay attention to warning signs
  • Put stickers on your vehicle to remind fellow drivers

And we challenge you to share what you have obtained from this website to one person about wildlife friendly driving!

Read more:


Dodd Jr, C. K., W. J. Barichivish., and L. L. Smith. (2004). Effectiveness of a barrier wall and culverts in reducing wildlife mortality on a heavily traveled highway in Florida. Biological Conservation 118: 619-631.

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