Thursday, November 5, 2015

Threats to Snakes: Small Populations

            So far this blog has addressed a number of anthropogenic threats facing Ontario snake species, including a habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation/road mortality, persecution, and even climate change. All of these result in small, often isolated populations, which is a major conservation concern as these types of populations are very vulnerable to extinction. This is mainly a function of bottlenecks and inbreeding depression, which often accompany or occur in small populations.
A bottleneck is essentially a dramatic drop in population size, but because only a fraction of the population persists only a small amount of genetic diversity persists. This is a problem because high genetic diversity is essential for the survival of populations (Frankham et al., 1999). Put another way, a population that has experienced a bottleneck has low allelic variety, which impairs the ability of a population to survive. Survival ability is impaired by low genetic variation because it reduces a population’s evolutionary potential, its ability to adapt to changes in the environment (Frankham et al., 1999).
Bottlenecks also often result in inbreeding depression. When a population becomes very small, related individuals will breed with each other, or inbreed. In animals inbreeding often results in reduced fitness (the ability of an individual to survive and reproduce), this phenomenon is termed inbreeding depression. Inbreeding depression has serious negative consequences, it can result in offspring with low birth weight, impaired disease and stress resistance and reduced growth, all of which impair the survival and reproductive ability of individuals (Keller and Waller, 2002). Like with bottlenecks inbreeding reduces fitness by lowering genetic diversity, and consequently evolutionary potential, but also by enhancing the expression of harmful alleles that are not a problem in large populations because they are rare and recessive (Bijlsma et al., 2000). Inbreeding depression significantly increases the likelihood of a population going extinct, and this likelihood of extinction is enhanced in the presence of environmental stress, such as anthropogenic threats (Bijlsma et al., 2000).
This directly applies to snake populations in Ontario, take for example the eastern hog-nosed snake. Xuereh et al., (2015) carried out genetic analysis on eastern hog-nosed snakes in Ontario and found evidence of inbreeding in all four of the genetically distinct subpopulations. Keep in mind the number and intensity of anthropogenic threats facing this species, particularly habitat degradation and road mortality. Inbreeding alone suggests the populations are experiencing reduced fitness, but when you also consider the added impacts of human activities we see that these populations are likley under serious threat of becoming endangered and extinct.
By virtue of their low genetic diversity, which impairs survival ability, small populations are at high risk of becoming extinct (Allendorf, 1986; Briskie and Mackintosh, 2004). Human activity has greatly reduced the ranges and population sizes of many Ontario snake species, and because of the genetic consequences this means that besides killing snakes directly (through persecution and road mortality) we are indirectly enhancing the likelihood of entire snake population extirpations or extinctions.

Allendorf, F. W. (1986). Genetic drift and the loss of alleles versus heterozygosity. Zoo Biology 5 :181–190.

Bijlsma, R., Bundgaard, J., and Boerema, A. C. (2000). Does inbreeding affect the extinction risk of small populations? Predictions from Drosophila. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 12:1125–1137.

Briskie, J. V., and Mackintosh, M. (2004). Hatching failure increases with severity of population bottlenecks in birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101:558–561.

Frankham, R., Lees, K., Montgomery, M. E., England, P. R., Lowe, E. H., and
Briscoe, D. A. (1999). Do population size bottlenecks reduce evolutionary potential? Animal Conservation 2:255–260.

Keller, L. F., and Waller, D. M. (2002). Inbreeding effects in wild populations. Trends in Ecology Evolution 17:19–23.

Xuereb, A. T. J., Rouse, J. D., Cunnington, G. and Lougheed, S. C. (2015). Population genetic structure at the northern range limit
of the threatened eastern hog-nosed snake (Heterodon platirhinos). Conservation Genetics 16:1265–1276.

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